Tuesday, 1 May 2012

SathikVpn 10.0 Airtel 3g May 2012 Trick

New VPN For Airtel created on May 2012

Sathikvpn 10.0 
is new updated of sathikvpn10.0
AIRTEL Vpn trick may 2012
Airtel  sathikvpn 10.0
so most of trick is blocking by Airtel new trick for all India Airtel 3g Trick April 27
This vpn working on Kerala and other states ......this vpn tested vpn tested and fully satisfied 
in Kerala but also this vpn contain real host added config and none real host are added ....
i am also provide the working real host IP .......main advantages is NO Disconnection Problem
if any one need Automatically calling Pinger config  i will give you  if you have any doubts please comment
feedback zone and other information are below given........this vpn is super fast in speed check and comment
 this is TCP based server .....
There is no need of any Survey and any ads which hate by VPN users
no bandwidth limit no speed limit...server support you as premium VPN holder
Run open vpn as administrator and connect with airtelgprs.com as access point and it'll be connected without any problems.this vpn is giving about 200+kbps speed and no disconnection problem

 FOLLOW THE STEPS::::::::::::::sathikvpn 10.0 direct liks

1. Download the vpn files 

2.connect with any server 

3. problems occurred pls comment


  1. hey..... bledy fucker not working yaaaa

  2. not working in kerala and tamilnadu

  3. working thanks i am from kerala but speed only 150kbps

    what to do increase speed

  4. i am not able to download this vpn..........
    plz give me a direct link to jmkullah@gmail.com

    1. try to understand i have to buy new 3g modem my old was dead and i am using my friends modem using for the finding of tricks so suhail i will send you the direct link

      try to understand the situation

  5. hhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOT WoRKINGHHHGGg.... in kerala

  6. Survey still be there MAN.............

  7. unable to download pls send it pls to my email id ankushravirusvilla@gmail.com

  8. please share on 4shared.com or give a direct link to yedeaa@yahoo.com

  9. hey m from RAJASTHAN Please
    Send me direct Link to my email ID:-


  10. http://www.mediafire.com/?98kxiuczj29epfp
